October 2015

La Conversation interreligieuse canadienne a fait parvenir une lettre à chacun des chefs des cinq principaux partis prenant part à l’élection fédérale du 19 octobre. On y demandait  ce que chacun d’eux, s’il était élu, avait l’intention de faire  dans les six domaines de préoccupation commune, soit :

•  L’élimination de la pauvreté au Canada et, plus particulièrement, de la pauvreté infantile à l’échelle mondiale 

The Canadian Interfaith Conversation sent a letter to the leaders of each of the five major parties running in the October 19 federal election. The letter asked what, if elected, the party leader intended to do in relation to six areas of shared concern, including:

•  Eradication of poverty in Canada and globally, notably child poverty

•  Global climate change

The long-anticipated Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030) were adopted by the world at the United Nations September 25, 2015. These 17 Global Goals follow the Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015). 

During the closing days of last week and over the weekend, we have seen not simply an escalation in virulent verbal attacks on Muslims, but two documented assaults on Muslim women, one wearing a niquab, the other no more than a simple hijab.

In Montreal, a pregnant young Muslim woman was assaulted and knocked to the ground by two teenage males. In a Toronto mall, a second young woman was roughly handled by an adult male while in the presence of her two young daughters.