Deep Dialogue

Welcome to the Deep Dialogue page, where Participants in the Conversation share their views on the importance and nature of interfaith dialogue and related issues, and also post news items. Deep Dialogue recognizes that we can do more together, and do so better, when we provide opportunity to talk about the things that have deepest meaning for us. We believe that our desires to contribute to the well-being of all people come from the place where our values and beliefs reside, not from a superficial desire to get along with others. When we are able to share those things that hold deep meaning for us, we not only promote better understanding but we are also able to better anticipate where and how we can work better together.

Guest blog posts are welcome (send requests to Please note that views expressed in blog posts written by a Conversation Participant reflect their own views, not those of the Canadian Interfaith Conversation as a whole.

Of the myriad responses to the Charlie Hebdo and related murders in and around Paris between January 7th and 9th last, from elegies on free speech and democracy, to lamentations that the depredations of Boko Haram in Nigeria and the Taliban in Peshawar were largely ignored, to mass marches through the streets of Paris and beyond, one of the deepest dialogues on the tragedy and its origins was convened by the Canadian Muslim Leadership Institute (CMLI) at the University

The Rev. Dr. Karen Hamilton, a member of the Canadian Interfaith Conversation's Executive Committee, was interviewed for the article in Canadian Immigrant, "Divine diversity: is it time to talk about religion in Canada." She is quoted as saying, in relation to the formation of the Conversation, “Canada’s inherent characteristics of acceptance are both by design and by accident. We’re not binary, and polarized.

The Canadian online newsroom of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints published an article about the Conversation's website launch. See also our event photo gallery.

I keep a Grateful Journal. Daily I try to itemize at least one thing for which I'm appreciative. Today's entry reads, "I'm grateful for Justice Campbell of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court who ruled in favour of religious freedom and association." I'm referring of course to the case of Trinity Western University v. Nova Scotia Barristers' Society.

I walk down the famous or infamous Yonge Street in Toronto from my home to my office every day.

And so it was on one of these morning ‘constitutionals’ that my eye was caught by a sale of soap from Aleppo, Syria. I had been in Syria until two days before the fighting broke out and so naturally I was intrigued about where exactly in the country the soap had come from, whether it had been shipped pre-conflict, etc. The salesperson did not know.
