Healing from Within: Spirituality and Mental Health 

A World Interfaith Harmony Week Event

Wednesday, February 12, 2020  
6:10 pm – 7:45 pm (5:45 pm registration)
Multi-Faith Centre, University of Toronto 
569 Spadina Ave. - north of College and Spadina Ave

Cost: $10
Students: Free
Everyone is asked to register at:

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/539030296958784

What is the relationship between one's mental health and spirituality?
Participate in an engaging programme over light supper exploring the links between spirituality and mental health.

Brief presentations and discussion with:

Jack Kugelmass, Director of Social Work - Toronto General Hospital
Dr. Mary Marrocco, Commission on Faith and Witness - Canadian Council of Churches

For further information, please contact: nmclccanada@gmail.com

Sponsored by the National Muslim Christian Liaison Committee and the U of T Multi-Faith Centre