Quebec City Mosque Shooting - Manitoba Multifaith Council

It has been a very difficult weekend as news came from the United States with an executive order on immigration that impacted so many people around the world.  Canadians drifted between feelings of horror and disgust to thankfulness for living in this country where diversity is honoured and appreciated.

On Sunday evening, two attackers violated a sacred space in Quebec City opening fire at a mosque while men, women and children were at prayer, resulting in the death of 6 individuals, and many others injured, some critically.

The rising tide of racist ideologies and the marginalization of minorities have emboldened violent extremists—even in our country.  Many have felt—perhaps naively—that we had turned the page on the kind of ugliness that had resulted in an attack on a pregnant Muslim woman in 2015. We must not be complacent: this attack on the mosque is an attack on all Canadians.  

On behalf the Manitoba Multifaith Council, we stand in solidarity with our Muslim sisters and brothers, and share in your grief. We offer our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims alongside our determination to build a world where all lives are valued and diversity is celebrated.

Belle Jarniewski, President, Manitoba Multifaith Council