Conversation Mourns with Muslims in Quebec City
The Canadian Interfaith Conversation issued the following statement on January 30, 2017:
In the wake of the terrible January 29, 2017 attacks on the Centre culturel Islamique de Québec in Quebec City, the Canadian Interfaith Conversation expresses deepest grief with its Muslim brothers and sisters, and for all affected by this attack on a mosque—which is to say, all of Canada, and the world. An attack on any one group hurts us all. Diversity, care for neighbours, and cooperation are strengths in any society, and are part of the foundation of Canadian values. We support those values, and at the same time that we condemn this attack, we commend those government officials, religious leaders, and private citizens who are already speaking out against it, and whose calls for unity, peace, and solidarity strengthen the social fabric that holds us all.
The Canadian Interfaith Conversation's Charter Vision states that we "desire to advocate for religion in a pluralistic society and in Canadian public life. We, the members of the Canadian Interfaith Conversation, want to promote harmony and religious insight among religions and religious communities in Canada, strengthen our society’s moral foundations, and work for greater realization of the fundamental freedom of conscience and religion for the sake of the common good and an engaged citizenship." Places of worship and gathering are vital to our pluralistic society, as is the freedom to worship without fear of violence.
Using violence to attempt to sow division and animosity will not shake our resolve to live in harmony and good will with each other. We have so much in common. We will continue to work together and stand up for each other. And so, standing in solidarity, partnership, and friendship with our Muslim brothers and sisters, and with people of all or no faith, we call for love and support of all peoples, and for renewed commitment to work together to build common ground for a flourishing society.
Downloadable version here.