Millennials Gather to Talk about Faith in Canada
Under the banner of Cardus’ Faith in Canada 150 project, 75 Millennials gathered in Ottawa to talk about their faith in a highly diverse interfaith environment.
Hannah Marazzi, a lead organizer of the Millennial Summit, described the event as “an opportunity to bring together young people of diverse faith traditions from across Canada for a time of dialogue, celebration, and vision casting on the eve of Canada’s sesquicentennial anniversary.”
The Summit ended with an invitation to the participants to sign an Open Letter that emphasized the importance of living faith publicly, and was published in Cardus’ Convivium magazine.
Read also “A Song of Ascents,” a set of Summit reflections from Daniel Bezalel Richardsen, one of the Summit Participants, also published in Convivium.
Photo credit: Asad Chishti, Chairs and Tables