Millennium Kids’ Call to 42nd Parliament

The long-anticipated Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030) were adopted by the world at the United Nations September 25, 2015. These 17 Global Goals follow the Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015). 
Now it's time for CANADA to move into action! Millennium Kids are marking this historic commitment with a Millennium Kids LAWN SIGN that reads as an open letter to our next federal parliament (not just the governing party) from Millennium Kids (see photo below [I already have the image of the lawn sign to link to]). As federal candidate signs come down Oct 20, MK signs will be left standing to call our 42nd Parliament to courageous action! 
On the sign, there are two poverty photos blurred together highlighting the expanded national application of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Canadian poverty on the left and global poverty on the right. The blurring is significant. Both must be urgently addressed by the 42nd Parliament. Sustainable Development Goal #1 - End poverty in all its forms everywhere - includes a new commitment to halve national poverty alongside meeting global poverty targets by 2030. Currently, nearly 1 in 5 Canadian children live in poverty.

The signs are available to order directly from the print company to your door anywhere in Canada! Please order a sign for your lawn or balcony to support Millennium Kids’ urgent message on poverty and climate action (approximately $21 including shipping).

If you live in Toronto and would like to pick up a lawn sign directly from us, please email (signs picked up directly from us cost $8).
Thank you for continuing to strengthen Millennium Kids’ voices!!
This blog is contributed by Sara Hildebrand, Millennium Kids.