Our Whole Society 2019 Conference & Registration Info
On April 28-30, 2019, the Canadian Interfaith Conversation is sponsoring the fourth conference called Our Whole Society, which aims to foster a new dialogue about the changing role of religion in a pluralistic Canadian society. OWS has previously been held in Montreal (2013), Vancouver (2015), and Ottawa (2017), and is now taking place in Toronto at The University of St. Michael's College and the Multi-Faith Centre at the University of Toronto. The gathering brings together leading thinkers from all sectors of society to create a space for meaningful exploration, where a variety of insights can shed light on the place and contribution of religion in a secular age.
The theme of this year's conference is Identity & Common Ground in an Age of Transition. We invite deeper reflection on this overall theme through the conference's three subthemes: Rethinking Identity, Extremism and Polarization, and Technology, Values & Society. Programming will consist of a public lecture on the evening of Sunday the 28th with Dr. Gerald Filson, Dr. Mary Jo Leddy, and Dr. David Novak, followed by two days of keynote addresses, plenary sessions, and workshops. This year's keynote speakers will be former Premier of Ontario Hon. Bob Rae; University of Montreal Chair in Religion, Culture, and Society Dr. Solange Lefebvre; and Florida State University Professor of Philosophy Dr. Michael Ruse. Bios for these speakers, details about our plenary session speakers, and more information on the conference's programming can all be found here.
Registration to attend OWS 2019 is now open!
There are many ticket options and discounts available. Please visit the registration page to find out more and purchase your tickets today! This year's conference promises to be a great opportunity for interfaith goups and community members to come together and think through some of the most pressing issues they're facing today. We hope you'll be able to join the conversation! Visit the conference website to keep up with the latest news!
The CIC would also like to recognize and thank its partners in organizing and sponsoring this event. A full list of partners, committee members, and sponsors who are helping make this conference possible can be found here.