Resources from Our Whole Society Conference


Our Whole Society: Religion & Citizenship at Canada's 150th, a multi-faith conference organized by the Canadian Interfaith Conversation in partnership with with the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and Cardus' Faith in Canada 150 project, took place in Ottawa last week from May 8-9. Speakers and workshop leaders, including Dr. John Borrows, Dr. John Ralston Saul and several MPs, discussed religion and citizenship in public life at the milestone of Canada’s 150th birthday. 

Watch Dr. John Borrows' address and Dr. John Ralston Saul's address here. You can also read the address delivered by Dr. Andrew Bennett, senior fellow at Cardus. Read also the article from Baha'i World News Service and Peter Stockland's piece on Howard Adelman's address.

Photos and more: 

We have a gallery of tweets and pictures in story form and an album of photos from the conference. Below: A panel of MPs, including Yasmin Ratansi, John McKay, Garnett Genuis and Elizabeth May, addressed the conference on Parliament Hill at the end of the event.