Intercultural Dialogue Institute GTA Book Club
The Intercultural Dialogue Institute (IDI) GTA invites you to its new book club, beginning January 26, 2017, from 6-8 p.m., at the Toronto Public Library Fairview Branch.
You are invited to share ideas over a cup of coffee and cake. Our first book is one of the best sellers of 2016: Invisible North by Alexandra Shimo. You can find more information about the book below.
- Author spent time in Iqaluit and she offers an informed perspective on the difficulties facing First Nations
- Author spent four months living on impoverished First Nation reserve to give in-depth, portrait of people living in third world conditions
- Author offers first person account of PTSD gained while working as a journalist in Kashechewan
- Exploration of 2005 international water story and how impoverished reserve fooled the Canadian public, including many details obtained by ATIP, that have never been made public
- Analysis of difference between Canadian and U.S. reserve systems and why Canadian Natives are poorer and have world's highest suicide rates
- Brings a detailed understanding and first person account of how the issues currently dominating the news, including the inter-generational impact of the residential schools and the TRC, Bill C-33, affect people on the reserves
- Alexandra Shimo's previous book Up Ghost River was published by Knopf Canada in August 2014; a national bestseller, it won the 2015 CBC Bookie Award for non-fiction and the Donald Grant Creighton Award; it was also a finalist for the Trillium English language award and the Governor General's Literary Award.