MOSAIC Interfaith Open Doors Peace Walk

Date: Sunday, June 23, 2019
Time2:00pm start
LocationsTemple Har Zion (7360 Bayview Ave, Thornhill), Imam Mahdi Islamic Centre (7340 Bayview Ave, Thornhill), Cham Shan Temple (7254 Bayview Ave, Thornhill), Mehraban Guiv Darbe Mehr Zoroastrian Temple (3590 Bayview Ave, Thornhill)

MOSAIC Interfaith invites ou to join them for a doors open event: a Peace Walk to four places of worship in Thornhill with a short program and refreshments available at each stop. The walk starts at 2:00pm and the intended schedule is as follows:

Temple Har Zion (7360 Bayview Ave): 2:00-2:30pm
Imam Mahdi Islamic Centre (7340 Bayview Ave): 2:45-3:15pm
Cham Shan Temple (7254 Bayview Ave; meet at Peace Bell): 3:30-4:00pm 
Mehraban Guiv Darbe Mehr Zoroastrian Temple (3590 Bayview Ave): 4:30-5:15pm

You are welcome to join at any point along the walk. For more information, please email: