Our Home, Our Stories: Indigenous, Muslim and Jewish Communities in Dialogue
You are invited to "Our Home, Our Stories: Indigenous, Muslim and Jewish Communities in Dialogue" on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 from 6:30 PM - 8:45 PM at Darchei Noam Social Hall.
Please join us for an intercultural exploration of “our home” as we celebrate World Interfaith Harmony Week.
“Home” has many meanings: where we live, where we come from, where we hope to be. It is our land, our origin and possibly our destination. By sharing what it means to each of us we allow for conversation and understanding to blossom.
Traditional refreshments to include: Three Sisters Soup, bannock, Turkish bourekas, Noah’s Pudding and more.
Please note that we will begin with a smudging ceremony during which sage will be burned, resulting in a scented smoke.
- Whabagoon, Lac Seul Nation – Loon Clan – Treaty 3, Traditional Elder, Sacred Pipe Carrier and multidisciplinary artist
- Rabbi Tina Grimberg, spiritual leader of Congregation Darchei Noam, storyteller
- Wali Shah, spoken word poet, musician and inspirational speaker, 2014 Canada's Top 20 Under 20
- Michael Etherington, Manager, Culture Department, Native Canadian Centre of Toronto
- Indigenize Our Minds Education Outreach Program: “Pow Wow Experience” with Memengwaanh Bell-Trudeau dancing and Tasunke Pejuta Sugar singing with hand drum
- A tour of the sanctuary will be offered after the program for those who are interested.
Presented in Partnership by the Intercultural Dialogue Institute, the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto and Congregation Darchei Noam.
Sponsored by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, Ve’ahavta and the Islamic Institute of Toronto.