Parliament of the World's Religions Coming to Toronto
The Parliament of the World’s Religions is coming to Toronto in the fall of 2018. The Parliament will take place from November 1-7, 2018, at the Metro Convention Centre.
Established in 1893, this Parliament is the largest interfaith gathering in the world. It was formed to create harmony among the world’s religious and spiritual communities, with the goal of building a more peaceful, just and sustainable world.
Over 10,000 people are expected to attend the Parliament in 2018, representing 80 nations and 200 spiritual and religious traditions. Held every three years at locations around the world, the Parliament is considered to be a major international event.
For more information and to register, check the Parliament website.
Register using promo code: C2C2C for a 20% discount.
Exhibit, sponsor, and advertise your organization at the Parliament. More information and pricing is available here.
Volunteer for the Parliament.