Together Resourcing the Canadian Church in Today's Diverse Contexts
The Canadian Council of Churches, The Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning, and the Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network invite you to attend or send representatives to an ecumenical consultation: Together Resourcing the Canadian Church in Today's Diverse Contexts: Shaping the Work of the Canadian Council of Churches. The event takes place April 12, 2018 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., 60 Lowther Ave, Toronto, ON. For more information or to register, visit here.
To register:
Please download the fillable PDF registration form and (prior to March 23) return to:
By email:
Or mail: Attn Registrar, Canadian Council of Churches, 47 Queens Park Crescent East, Toronto, ON., M5S 2C3
Consultation date:
In person: Thursday, April 12, 2018, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
60 Lowther, Toronto, ON
Lunch is provided.
Web seminar-based consultations:
April 2018, dates to be determined by poll.
All are encouraged to attend the April 12 face-to-face. However as this ministry is in contexts across Canada, the opportunity to hear voices not able to be in Toronto is essential to this conversation.
Purpose of the Consultation:
This will be an opportunity hear the successes, struggles, and learnings of Canadian denominations and other faith-based organizations, hear what each needs and offers, and discern how better to resource this work ecumenically.
The Day will include:
- Ecumenical networking
- Current work and ministry across difference
- Current Theological & Biblical foundations of intercultural ministry, ministry across difference, and racial justice
- Denominations and organizations sharing of current work, successes, learnings, and needs
- Conversation: how work together to learn from and support each other ecumenically
- Next steps
This consultation will help FILL and CEARN better know, respond to, and support Canadian denominations and other faith-based organizations.
Who is being invited?
From across Canada:
- Canadian denominations (up to 6 representatives from each denomination)
- Canadian faith-based theological schools and similar organizations
- Persons engaged in ministry across difference in local contexts
Representatives of a wide range of area of ministry and ministry contexts will attend. Ministry across difference intersects every area of ministry in today’s Canadian context at national, regional, and local levels, including (but not limited to):
- Theological education
- Reconciliation with Canada’s indigenous peoples
- Ministry in almost every Canadian community as diversity increases
- Ministry where there is diversity of any kind; racial, ethnic, gender, age, class, sexuality, able-ness, faith, and more?
- Interfaith
- Global Ministries
- Engaging the unchurched
- Education
- Relationships with refugees and immigrants
- Justice ministries
- Church structures and programs to fully engage the diversity and gifts of its members
The Forum for Intercultural Leadership and Learning
The Canadian Ecumenical Anti-Racism Network (CEARN)
The Canadian Council of Churches
Click here to read the consultation invitation from Peter Noteboom, Acting General Secretary, The Canadian Council of Churches
Click here to read the consultation invitation from Rev. Jonathan Schmidt, Associate Secretary: Intercultural Leadership; Justice and Peace, The Canadian Council of Churches
Questions can be directed to:
Rev. Jonathan Schmidt
Associate Secretary: Intercultural Leadership; Justice and Peace
Canadian Council of Churches
416-972-9494 x 26