The World Water Day Greatness Launch
There is no better way to launch Greatness than on the 25th Anniversary of World Water Day and the Opening Night of the 6th annual Water Docs Film Festival, March 22, 2017. World Water Day was instituted by the United Nations to raise global awareness and action to address serious water issues worldwide. The Water Docs Film Festival is a shining celebration of water in all its dimensions in our lives. It features superb water-themed documentary films, animated discussion and community learning, hands-on interactive and art exhibits, and opportunities to take action. Its mission is to evoke a sense of reverence for water, inform about threats that imperil water, and inspire citizen action to protect water.
The World Water Day Greatness Launch will be a grand celebration of Ontario 150 and the intrinsic connection between Ontario and the Great Lakes. It will feature:
¥ Inauguration of the Greatness necklace of programs through an indigenous water blessing ceremony. Each of the four programs will be described and the audience invited to participate.
¥ A special invitation will be made to participate in the Sacred Water Walk to be led by Grandmother Josephine Mandamin the following summer.
¥ A fine feature documentary on an Ontario water theme.
¥ Prize winners of the Ontario Waterways Documentary Films Challenge will be announced. The Challenge is in two categories – for young and emerging filmmakers and for established filmmakers – and will focus on Ontario subjects and/or be created by Ontario filmmakers.
¥ The inspiring culmination of the event will be a formal declaration of the City of Toronto as a Blue Community, a distinction with real teeth for protecting water on a city-wide basis.